Love Each Other

“Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12

There is a part of me that craves solitude. I need to be alone, press reset on my life, examine myself and my heart. I sometimes think it would be nice to strap on my backpack, set out on a trail and not come back for several months. But then I say, ‘I can’t do that because I have responsibilities, a family, a job, a mortgage.” But that isn’t really it. I can’t do that because I wasn’t made to do that. I wasn’t designed to be alone. That’s the reason I invite so many people to go with me to hike the AT every year. Even if the logistics frustrate me, it doesn’t matter. I’m sharing the experience with friends. I do need to get away to think, to breathe, to reset – but not for long, because I need to be with other people because when they broke bread, they did it together.

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