They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42

Circle Community Church of Pensacola

When two people sit down together at a coffee shop, they sit together in a circle.  When three or four family members sit down at a table to eat, they sit together in a circle.  When twelve people are on the beach or around a campfire in the woods having a conversation, they gather together in a circle.  But when three-hundred people come together in a church building, they sit in rows looking at the back of the head of the person in front of them.  And I would propose that it is impossible for three-hundred people to come together in a circle.  
At Circle Community Church we believe that God instituted the church in the book of Acts to be organized as a circle, meeting in people’s houses.  God never changed that model, and we have found that scripture is best lived out in a circle of close relationships.